Sign Up for Show Starter™ Scheduling & Budgeting Plus

Please create an account to begin a Free Trial or to purchase a Subscription Plan (view plans here).
*indicates required field.
  • The personal email address you will use as your User ID each time you log in.
  • **Please use the same email address for sign up as you will use for payment.**
  • This also is where retrieved passwords and notices will be sent.
  NOTE: Please use the email address associated with your
PayPal or Google account if you plan to pay online.
  • A private codeword of at least 6 digits, consisting of letters and at least one number, which you will use to verify your User ID and prevent anyone else from using your account.
  • Always keep your password secure.
  • Confirm your password.
The primary segment of the entertainment industry you work in.
The primary position you hold in the entertainment industry.
Your home telephone number. Please enter numbers only: no spaces, dashes or parentheses.
Your work telephone number. Please enter numbers only: no spaces, dashes or parentheses.
* Your personal mobile telephone number. Please keep this up-to-date for authentication purposes. Please enter numbers only: no spaces, dashes or parentheses.
Your fax telephone number. Please enter numbers only: no spaces, dashes or parentheses.
Your personal or company Web site address (e.g.,
* Your street address, including suite or unit number (e.g., 123 Main Street Suite 52B).
* The city you live in (e.g., Los Angeles).
* The two-letter abbreviation for the state you live in (e.g., CA). Outside of the U.S., please select N/A at the bottom of the drop-down list.
* The zip or postal code for your address (e.g. 90210 or RG3 D16).
* The country you live in.
Please enter the email address of the person who referred you (if applicable).
I have read, understood, accepted and agreed to
the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy 
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Signing Up

You must sign up to use Show Starter™ Scheduling & Budgeting Plus. After providing your contact and payment details in this screen, you will able to log in. You can edit these details later via the "My Profile" tab. To sign up:

  1. Fill in the form on this screen. You must complete fields marked with an asterisk (*). Type in the information or select an option from a drop-down list (y). You can display a tip on what needs to be filled in for a particular field by hovering the mouse over it. Make a note of your User ID and remember your Password; you will need them on the next screen and each time you log in.
  2. Click Sign Up. The Form Submitted screen will be displayed. Follow the instructions on that screen to log on to Show Starter™ Scheduling & Budgeting Plus.
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